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Dear All,
Dear Students and Citizens of Ukraine,

The unprecedented attack of the Russian military on Ukraine has tore down the world order. War always brings death and destruction. It is unjustifiable evil.

This is why we express our solidarity with the whole Ukrainian Nation.

Our University co-operates with six institutions in Ukraine:

  • Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University,
  • National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv,
  • Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,
  • Ternopil State Medical University,
  • Kharkiv National Medical University,
  • Lviv State University of Internal Affairs,

All of which are important centers of education and research in medical and pharmaceutical sciences. We stand together with our Partners and we are offering our help.

We also assure all Ukrainian students enrolled at PUMS of our support. You are not alone in this difficult time - all of the University departments and services stand ready to assist you.

Long live free Ukraine!

Signed in the name of the whole Academic Community of Poznan University of Medical Sciences,

Prof. Andrzej Tykarski, MD, PhD

The Polish Minister of Health has introduced a CoViD-19 vaccination mandate for all students enrolled in study programs preparing for the professions of a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, nurse, midwife, laboratory diagnostician, physiotherapist and paramedic starting from March 1st, 2022. The University regulations detailing this obligation will follow shortly. In the meantime, we urge all non-vaccinated students to schedule their vaccination appointments as soon as possible.

On January 24, PUMS had the pleasure to host the Minister for Health, dr. Adam Niedzielski. The visit was an occasion to present the ministry’s plans to develop the medical personnel, including promotion of medical studies among young people, and changes in the course of studies, among others.

The US National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (NCFMEA) has positively reviewed Polish standards that Ministry of Health and Polish Accreditation Committee use to accredit medical schools. The current positive comparability decision extension for Poland is in force until the next review that has been scheduled for the Fall of 2023.

Detailed information is available on NCFME website at

Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Center for Medical Education in English

41 Jackowskiego St., 60-512 Poznan, Poland


+48 61 854 72 20
+1 212-551-7867

WhatsApp: +48 609 031 274 (click to chat)


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