We would like to invite all students and faculty members to a guest lecture "Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis: Clinical and Research Innovations" by Associate Professor Simon Best from Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA and to a guest lecture "Sentinel lymph-node biopsy in head and neck cancer" of an alumnus of PUMS, dr Krzysztof Piersiala from Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.

The graduation ceremony for students of programs in English took place on Monday, May 30th. 170 students from 31 countries graduated this year with degrees in medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.

PUMS Vice-President for Teaching, Prof. Małgorzata Kotwicka, cordially invites all teachers, students, and PhD students to an open lecture by Prof. Marcin Iwanicki from Stevens Institute of Technology (New Jersey, USA) on "Leveraging Tissue Microenvironment to Suppress Cancer".

We are thrilled to host Prof. Suresh Rattan, PhD, DSc - Professor Emeritus, and Editor-in-Chief Biogerontology, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark - who will present a guest lecture on “Understanding age, ageing, health and longevity”.

CLILMED Erasmus+ invites all teachers working with international students to take part in the seminar „How to teach effectively in English in a multicultural and multilingual classroom?” that will take place on May 25, 2022 at 12:300 to 2pm in room C in PUMS Library-Congress Center at 37 Przybyszewskiego St.

On April 5th 2022 we hosted guests from Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (Germany). The purpose of the study visit was to introduce the visitors to PUMS’ research and development potential and to establish potential cooperation in the area of rehabilitation of gait, interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, and the use of machine learning and AI in the interpretation of histological images.

Students of the Adam Mickiewicz University psychology program and PUMS medicine invite you to join their first ever mental health symposium taking place on Monday, May 23rd from 1 to 4pm at 89 Szamarzewskiego St. (AMU social sciences campus) in building E.

Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Center for Medical Education in English

41 Jackowskiego St., 60-512 Poznan, Poland


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