Busy Summer in the Sim Center
It was a busy summer in our Medical Simulation Center, where Objective Structured Clinical Examinations - OSCE, took place.
The first OSCE exam was conducted in 2020 for the Nursing program, followed by Midwifery and Emergency Medicine programs. Experience collected during these exams turned out invaluable for the biggest practical Pre-OSCE exam yet for the 3rd-year students of the medical program. 422 students sat the exam thanks to the engagement of the exam coordinator, dr. Patrycja Marciniak-Stępniak, academic teachers, standardized patients, and the staff of the Simulation Center. The exam tested basic skills in collecting patients’ medical history, physical examination, selected medical procedures, interpretation of laboratory test results, and basic CPR techniques, among others. Such exams give more satisfaction and provide important insight into ways how to better develop skills in the upper years of studies, both for students and teachers. Conclusions and observations will prove useful during OSCE exams for 6th-year students in 2024/25.
All in all, during 4 summer weeks, more than 670 students took the OSCE-type exams in the Medical Simulation Center.