On September 11, 2019, a team of experienced cardiologists led by prof. Maciej Lesiak from the Lord’s Transfiguration Hospital, conducted an innovative procedure of implanting the Atrial Flow Regulator to a patient with pulmonary arterial hypertension.

Prof. Grzegorz Opala, prof. Ryan J. Uitti and  prof. Zbigniew K. Wszołek  from Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, USA, invite you to join

The 7th Movement Disorders, Epilepsy, Headache, and Inflammatory Disorders Mayo Clinic Neurology Faculty Teaching Course, which will be held on 12–13 September 2019 in Poznan, IBB Andersia Hotel.

Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Center for Medical Education in English

41 Jackowskiego St., 60-512 Poznan, Poland


+48 61 854 72 20
+1 212-551-7867

WhatsApp: +48 609 031 274 (click to chat)



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