All payments (tuition fee, pre-study fee, dorm deposit, dormitory rent and other fees) are payable in PLN (Polish currency) by wire transfer to your individual student subaccount.

Poznan University of Medical Sciences
10 Fredry St., 61-701 Poznan, Poland

Bank details:
Citibank Handlowy S.A. w Warszawie
ul. Senatorska 16, 00-923 Warszawa, Poland

bank account: individual subaccount number

Please include a detailed payment description in the memo, e.g. “first part of tuition fee 2023/2024” with your full name. Note that international money transfers may take several days. Please take into consideration that the sender is responsible for covering all bank and transfer fees.

Questions related to admissions

Q: Does PUMS accept transfer students from other Universities ? What are the requirements?
A: Unfortunately, PUMS does not accept transfers from other Universities.


Q: What are approximate costs of living in Poland?
A: More information you can find here:

The Pre-Medical Summer Program at PUMS is the best way to get to know our school, the campus, and the city while immersing yourself in the world of medicine. Spend your summer in Poznan, participate in medicine-related workshops, earn a certificate, and make new friends from all over the world!


Summer Program graphic

Quick overview:

- Dates: July 1-10, 2024,
- Location: Poznan University of Medical Sciences campus, Rokietnicka St., Poznan, Poland,
- Room & Board included in the fee,
- Participants must be at least 18 years old,
- Fee: 990 USD,
- Registration:
Course contents:
  1. Medical Marvels: Dive into the World of Medical Simulation

  - Experience the thrill of medical scenarios without the pressure. Use our cutting-edge simulation technology to learn, practice, and hone your skills in a risk-free environment.

  1. Stitch up my wound! - Surgical Suturing Practice

   - Practice the art of surgical suturing in a hands-on environment.

  1. Basics of Cell Culture in Diagnostics and Therapy

   - Discover the basics of cell culture for diagnostics and therapy, and explore the fascinating world of cancer cells.

  1. Behind the Scenes of Surgery

   - Step into a surgeon's shoes and explore the operating room's inner workings. Witness surgeries firsthand, understand surgical procedures, and gain insights into the life-saving world of surgery.

  1. Is U/S the New Stethoscope? - Basics of Ultrasound

   - Explore the fundamentals of ultrasound technology and its role in modern medicine.

  1. Can Plants Make You Look Younger?

   - Discover the potential of in vitro-derived plant biomass for cosmetic and pharmaceutical purposes.

  1. Beneath the Surface: An Exploration of Human Anatomy

   - Uncover the mysteries of the human body in this anatomy course. From bones to organs, delve deep into the structure and function of the human form.

  1. Forever Young – Are We? - Gerontology Lab

   - Discover the science of aging and geriatric care through hands-on experiments and interactive learning. Gain valuable insights into the unique healthcare needs of the elderly population.

  1. Detect & Defend: Mastering Diagnostics for Preventing Civilization Diseases

   - Join us for an exciting journey into the world of diagnostics and learn how to safeguard against civilization diseases. Empower yourself with the knowledge to lead a healthier life.

Program Schedule:
- July 1: Arrival and accommodation in the dorms. Get settled in, meet our student, and prepare for exciting days ahead!
- July 2: Get ready to explore! We'll start the day with a campus tour to familiarize you with our facilities and surroundings. In the afternoon, join us for a warm welcome reception where you'll meet fellow participants and program staff.
- July 3-5 & July 8-9: Classes will be held from Wednesday to Friday and Monday to Tuesday. Our schedule is designed to balance learning and leisure, ensuring you make the most of your time with us.
- Morning Session: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
- Afternoon Session: 2:00 PM - 4:15 PM/5:00 PM

Weekend Activities
- July 6-7: Take a break from classes and join us for a city tour and a barbecue by the lake. It's a great opportunity to relax, unwind, and explore the local area with your new friends!

- July 10: As the program comes to an end, we hope you've had an unforgettable experience! Departure day is Wednesday, July 10th. We look forward to seeing you again soon!

The price includes accommodation in our dormitories and three meals a day in the campus canteen for the entire duration of the stay. In addition to practical classes, participants will be invited to take part in social and cultural programs, including historical tours around Poznan.

Each participant who successfully completes the training will receive a formal certificate.

For questions please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Take part in our guided tours around the University campus, explore PUMS and meet our students.

Prospective students are encouraged to participate in our student-guided tours. You can visit our campus, see the school's facilities and learn about the city. It is also a great opportunity to meet our students and get first-hand insights into studies at PUMS.
E-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in a campus tour, our staff will contact you to make arrangements.
PUMS map 2021

International Admissions and Promotion Office in Poznan is located at
41 Jackowskiego St., 60-512 Poznan, Poland
Open Monday to Friday 8am-4pm CET

General inquiries
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. +48 61 854 72 20
      +1 212-551-7867
WhatsApp: +48 609 031 274 click to chat
The above e-mail address should be used for sending appeal letters pertaining to admission decisions.


Weronika Maćków, MA
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. +48 61 854 72 40


Grzegorz Chewusz
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. +48 61 854 72 20

You can also schedule an on-line meeting with our admissions staff on MS Teams (we are only available during Polish time zone office hours):


Student Facebook contact group for prospective students
Current students will answer questions from prospective students at


Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Center for Medical Education in English

41 Jackowskiego St., 60-512 Poznan, Poland


+48 61 854 72 20
+1 212-551-7867

WhatsApp: +48 609 031 274 (click to chat)


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