Physiotherapy - Introduction

The 5-year Physiotherapy Program is an undergraduate-entry long-cycle Master’s course leading high school graduates to a Master of Science degree in physiotherapy, opening doors to professional licensing in Europe and elsewhere.


For us the profession of a physiotherapist is a medical profession. We combine medical knowledge and experience to guarantee a modern approach towards physiotherapy.

We make sure that after 5 years of studying you will have the knowledge and experience that will allow you to plan physical therapy for your patients independently. You will also be able to use functional diagnostics and medical imaging freely to offer therapy that includes movement and mobility exercises, as well as manipulation and mechanical force.

Our curriculum is based on the European professional teaching guidelines and was designed to meet the needs of international students, as well as to allow part of the classes to be taught in the teamwork-based model: patient – doctor – physiotherapist.

As a graduate you will treat patients with temporary and permanent motor disabilities using the latest advancements in medicine. The program offers four specialty curricular pathways to students: neurological, orthopedic, manual therapy and sports medicine.

The program is designed to train high school graduates to become qualified and competent clinicians/scientists. This is done through a gradual educational process, starting from theoretical classes held in basic medical sciences, but then also heavily relying on hands-on clinical experience and supported by evidence-based scientific research.


year one

You will learn about the anatomy and functioning of the human body, with the emphasis on the development of the musculoskeletal system and mechanisms behind its functioning in healthy human beings. You will learn how to analyze posture, gait and body balance.

You will practice basic physiotherapy techniques on your fellow students and receive your introductory assistant training in a clinical setting.

year two

In order to gain a solid basis for further development of your manual skills, you will learn about biomechanics, as well as the functional and palpatory anatomy of the musculoskeletal system.

You will also deepen your understanding of basic sciences in the fields of neurophysiology, immunology, and pain mechanisms. This will also be your first contact with actual “live” patients and first clinical rotations.

year three

You will learn how to plan a treatment by taking part in clinical rotations and functional diagnostics classes. Extensive clinical training is aimed to introduce you to more advanced methods used in various physiotherapy models.

Your clinical placement will involve physical agents therapy and kinesiotherapy.

year four

You will develop and expand your ability to plan the whole rehabilitation process and learn how to analyze electrodiagnostic results.

This is also the time to choose your special interest modules and delve deeper into 2 out of 4 specialist pathways: orthopedic, neurological, sports medicine or research.

You will start working on your Master’s thesis.

year five

You will undertake a whole semester of professional clinical training, supplemented by theoretical knowledge on economic and legal aspects of health care.

Finally, you will consult, complete and defend your Master’s thesis.


Join us and become a valued physiotherapist!

PUMS diplomas are recognized worldwide.

Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Center for Medical Education in English

41 Jackowskiego St., 60-512 Poznan, Poland


+48 61 854 72 20
+1 212-551-7867

WhatsApp: +48 609 031 274 (click to chat)


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