Press Statement: CoViD-19 Vaccinations
the 5th of July, 2021
Press statement: COVID-19 Vaccinations
It was with great surprise that the Poznan University of Medical Sciences learnt of the article questioning the safety of COVID-19 vaccinations co-authored by Dr. Harald Walach, who used to collaborate with our University.
Although we highly value freedom of speech among academia, we also believe that it is of utmost importance for a scientific paper to be based on reliable research and sound methodology. In our opinion, the paper in question fails to meet this condition. That is why we wish to emphasise most strongly that the article does not express the views of our University.
The retracted manuscript „The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations – We Should Rethink the Policy”1 (Vaccines, Publisher MDPI) is based on the wrong assumptions. A number of experts had serious concerns about the use of Lareb data2. Moreover, data extracted by the authors from the observational study by Dagan et al.3 concern short-term mortality after the first dose, which is not at all representative of mortality prevention in the long term after the second dose. In our opinion, the study misleadingly used data to yield conclusions that are wrong and may lead to public harm.
Throughout the pandemic, the Poznan University of Medical Sciences has been actively promoting COVID-19 vaccinations. As early as January 2021 we provided all our staff members and students with an opportunity to become vaccinated in accordance with Polish regulations. Over 80% of the University’s community have already been vaccinated.
Our researchers have taken part in numerous scientific seminars and university classes to disseminate reliable and up-to-date knowledge on COVID-19 vaccines. At the same time, we have been promoting and supporting vaccination efforts through the media.
Once again, we would like to stress that it was with deep concern and regret that we received the publication of the article The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations – We Should Rethink the Policy. Vaccinations are the most important weapon in the fight against the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This is the message that the Poznan University of Medical Sciences wishes to spread.
Rafał Staszewski, PhD, MPH
General Director, Press Officer
Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Poland
Professor Jarosław Walkowiak, MD PhD
Head of the College of Health Sciences
Director of the Institute of Pediatrics
Head of Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Metabolic Diseases
Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Poland
1. Walach H.; Klement RJ., Aukema W. The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations – we should rethink the policy Vaccines 2021, 9, 693;
2. https://www.lareb.nl/coronameldingen
3. Dagan, N.; Barda, N.; Kepten, E.; Miron, O.; Perchik, S.; Katz, M.A.; Hernán, M.A.; Lipsitch, M.; Reis, B.; Balicer, R.D. BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Mass Vaccination Setting. Engl. J. Med. 2021, 384, 1412–1423.